On Christmas Eve, the raiding party engages the boss called Luseat of the Seventh Garden in the Abyssal Shaft. During the battle, Luseat radically changes its attack patterns and unleashes devastating field attacks on the party. Shiroe quickly provides the most optimal course of action and the party manages to whittle down Luseat's health by fifty percent. However they fail to notice the gates open behind them and are left in a state of shock when two more bosses—Taltaulgar of the Fourth Garden and Ibrahabra of the Third Garden—enter Luseat's zone and begin laying waste to the battlefield. Facing insurmountable odds, the raiding party loses their resolve and are wiped out. Afterwards Shiroe has a vision of his younger self, prompting reflection on his neglect to form social bonds in the other world. He later brings this inadequacy to his new reality which manifested in his inability to fully trust his comrades. This resulted in him withholding his true purpose from the people around him. Accepting his flaws, he awakens on the Moon in the fourteenth server of Elder Tale called Mare Tranquillitatis. He eventually encounters Akatsuki wandering around and the two share the circumstances which lead to their deaths. Finally, they trade fragments of their memories for the chance to revive once more.